Faces of Asia Part 1: The Story Behind the Portrait
Every face tells a story. Deep lines from a hard life’s work in the rice fields, smooth bright cheeks from a joyful youth, … Continue reading →
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 2: Building a Relationship W/ the Subject
Taking someone’s photograph is personal. Unfortunately, many photographers these days have a ‘get it and get out’ mentality that creates hostility among locals … Continue reading →
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 3: Similarities
It’s easy to see how different we all are. In an individualistic culture like my own, each person is urged to define their … Continue reading →
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 1: The Story Behind the Portrait
Every face in a photograph tells a story. Deep lines from a hard life's work in the rice fields, smooth bright cheeks from a joyful youth, lost distant eyes from a sad past, and a sincere smile from...
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 2: Building a Relationship W/ the Subject
Taking someone's photograph is personal. Unfortunately, many photographers these days have a 'get it and get out' mentality that creates hostility among locals and tourists. We have all seen the...
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 3: Similarities
It's easy to see how different we all are. In an individualistic culture like my own, each person is urged to define their own self as separate from others. We take pride in our different clothing...
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 1: The Story Behind the Portrait
Every face in a photograph tells a story. Deep lines from a hard life's work in the rice fields, smooth bright cheeks from a joyful youth, lost distant eyes from a sad past, and a sincere smile from...
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 2: Building a Relationship W/ the Subject
Taking someone's photograph is personal. Unfortunately, many photographers these days have a 'get it and get out' mentality that creates hostility among locals and tourists. We have all seen the...
View ArticleFaces of Asia Part 3: Similarities
It's easy to see how different we all are. In an individualistic culture like my own, each person is urged to define their own self as separate from others. We take pride in our different clothing...
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